Monday, September 19, 2011

50 Great Ways To Teach Texts

How do you engage students with a text? How do you teach narrative structure, character comparisons, themes and symbols in an interesting and deep way? We have spent the past two years compiling highly effective and engaging strategies to teach texts. Some are very simple such as these:

Character Comparisons:

1. Divide students into pairs
2. Get each pair to write down all the character names in a text on individual post-it-notes
3. Students must now divide the characters into 3 groups according to their own rule
4. They must record the groups and give a reason for the grouping.
5. Students must now re-group the characters (repeat this step for as many times as your students can do it).

Some activities utilise handouts such as the ones below:

These are just a sample of the comprehensive range of activities that will help you teach all aspects of a text at Years 7-12. You can now purchase the guide as a digital download in PDF format for AUS: $39.95. Buy and download by clicking the button:

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